Spring PR’s brand evolution: honouring the past, embracing the future

When the Spring PR team first approached us about this brand refresh, it quickly became clear that this project was more than updating a logo or tweaking a colour scheme. It was about honouring a brand that has been making waves in the outdoor and active lifestyle PR world for years while setting the stage for its next chapter. We knew we had to get this right—not just for the brand itself, but for the people behind it who’ve poured so much passion and dedication into what they do.
September 6, 2024
Reading Time
4 minutes
Spring PR’s brand evolution: honouring the past, embracing the future

Written by Charlie Smith, Founder of Base Camp Studios

I’ve known Spring PR for years. They’re the ones who first introduced me to AKU Boots and Elliot Brown Watches, and I’ve always gravitated towards Osprey, LEKI & Nikwax whenever I could. Over time, I’ve crossed paths with the Spring PR team at ISPO and Kendal Mountain Festival, working with them both as an ‘explorer’ and a ‘designer.’

So, when the opportunity came up to revamp their website, I didn’t hesitate to throw my hat in the ring. My proposal was intentionally crafted around my experience with Spring PR, having seen their team in action and understanding their approach to client relations. But when those initial conversations about the website turned into discussions about a full rebrand, things got really interesting from a creative perspective.

Rebranding and redesigning a website is a significant undertaking - one that requires a lot of trust from the client, especially in today’s digital age. It’s not just about creating a new look; it’s about seamlessly integrating the brand’s identity across all digital touchpoints. It’s a chance to dig deep into who the company is, what it stands for, and the story it wants to tell.

When the Spring PR team first approached us about this brand refresh, it quickly became clear that this project was more than updating a logo or tweaking a colour scheme. It was about honouring a brand that has been making waves in the outdoor and active lifestyle PR world for years while setting the stage for its next chapter. We knew we had to get this right - not just for the brand itself, but for the people behind it who’ve poured so much passion and dedication into what they do.

Starting with a Solid Foundation

I’d love to say that from the beginning, we knew this wouldn’t be a complete overhaul but rather a thoughtful evolution - but that wouldn’t be true. This project started as a truly blank slate (albeit with a very detailed brief document). Spring PR already had an identity rooted in authenticity, collaboration, and a genuine love for the brands they represent. The challenge was to modernise that identity while keeping the essence intact. We wanted to ensure that when someone sees the new logo, they instantly recognise it as Spring PR, but with a fresh twist that reflects where the brand is today - and that’s what convinced us to see this more as an evolution rather than a revolution.

We explored a wide range of concepts - some bold departures and others more subtle refinements. After a lot of brainstorming, feedback sessions, and fine-tuning, we landed on a design that feels both familiar and excitingly new. The logo, for instance, went through several iterations (check out the grid of unused concepts!), and each step brought us closer to a design that captures the energy, professionalism, and approachability that Spring PR is known for.

Spring PR Logo Concepts

One of the most integral parts of the project was the brand alignment session we conducted early on. This deep dive into Spring PR’s language, tone, and overall brand personality laid the foundation for everything that followed. By collaborating closely with the Spring PR team; we were able to extract key insights that informed not just the visual aspects of the brand, but also its voice and messaging. This session was crucial in ensuring that every design decision was aligned with the brand’s core values and that the final identity was a true reflection of who Spring PR is. It provided clarity and direction, allowing us to create a brand that is not only visually cohesive but also resonates deeply with its audience.

Spring Ideation

Bringing the Story to Life

One of the standout features of the new brand identity is the Path or Trail motif. This isn’t just a design element; it’s a visual representation of Spring PR's journey with its clients. The path weaves through the brand’s storytelling, connecting different elements in a way that feels organic and purposeful. It’s a nod to the idea that every brand has a story, and Spring PR is there to help tell it.

We also introduced wood textures into the brand’s visual language, a subtle but impactful element that ties back to the core themes of growth, nature, and authenticity. These textures add depth and warmth to the brand’s visuals, complementing the new logo's clean lines and modern design. Together, these elements create a cohesive look that feels grounded in the outdoors while still being polished, professional, and catering to a variety of use cases.

The Final Identity

After much collaboration and iteration, we’re thrilled with where we landed. The new brand identity is modern yet timeless, versatile yet consistent. It’s designed to be as dynamic as the team behind it, adapting to different contexts while maintaining a strong, recognisable presence. The brand guidelines we developed ensure that every touchpoint—a social media post, a press release, or a physical event—feels distinctly “Spring PR.”

We believe the end result is a brand that not only looks great but also tells a story. It’s a brand that reflects the values and personality of Spring PR while also being ready to take on whatever challenges and opportunities the future holds.

Final Thoughts

This project was an absolute joy to work on. Not every day do you partner with a team that’s so passionate about what they do and so open to new ideas. We’re incredibly proud of the final brand identity and can’t wait to see how Spring PR continues to grow and evolve with it.

In our next post we’ll dive into the design and build of the new Spring PR website—another exciting chapter in this brand’s ongoing journey.